Privacy Policy

We get our content from a wide variety of sources. includes facts, information, opinions and views that we believe are of interest to visitors to Accordingly, we do not collect information about users/visitors, except in certain cases described below. recognizes the importance of the issue of Personal Data security, and has taken all necessary measures, using the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure maximum security.

This Privacy Policy applies to all information that may be collected during your use/visit to or we collect from third party platforms (such as Facebook or Google), as well as from applications that are accessed and used through the aforementioned websites or third party platforms and which are managed by the company. Your use of implies that you provide your consent to use your personal data and information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy does not cover:
- information collected from websites, platforms and/or applications (hereinafter "Third Party Sites") that we do not control
- information collected from Third Party Sites that you visit through links on or
- online banners, competitions and other advertising or promotional activities on third party websites in which we may participate or sponsor.

It is explicitly stated that does not control the availability, content, privacy policy, quality and completeness of the services of other web sites and pages to which it refers through "links", hyperlinks or advertising banners. Therefore, for any problem that may occur during the visit/use, the user must contact directly the respective web sites and pages, which are fully responsible for the provision of their services. in no way should be considered as endorsing or accepting the content or services of the web sites and pages to which it refers or that it is linked to them in any other way. The aforementioned Third Party Sites have their own privacy policies and terms and conditions. We encourage you to read them before using them.

What information do we collect?

In this Privacy Policy, the term "personal data" means information or individual pieces of information that allow your identity to be verified (identification), as well as audiovisual material containing information about you. This term includes data such as your full name, address, username, photograph, email address and telephone number, but may also include data such as your IP address, preferences and information about your lifestyle or your hobbies and interests.

At we store information about you and we have access to technical data concerning you that is necessary only for your use / visit of and only to the extent absolutely necessary for your convenience during your use / visit of This is achieved through self-installing cookies, as explained below.

If you wish to send us your message by filling in the contact form of, you will provide us with the following information: email, first name, last name and telephone number.

Who do we share your personal data with?

We take all necessary precautions to keep your personal data secure and require any third parties to do the same. Access to your personal data is restricted to prevent unauthorised access, modification or improper use and access is only permitted to our employees and agents and only to the extent necessary to know its contents (on a need-to-know basis). undertakes not to sell, rent or in any way publish and/or disclose the personal data of visitors/users to any third party. may transfer personal data of its visitors/users to third legal and/or natural persons only if it is required to comply with the relevant provisions of the law and only to the competent authorities, or if it has received your prior consent.

Where do we store and use your personal data?

Your personal data is stored for the time required by law on the hosting servers (host servers) of Your personal data will be hosted there, and will be transferred and made subject to the applicable provisions of data protection laws and regulations. In case of transfer of your personal data, your consent to this Privacy Policy implies your consent to such transfer (provided that such transfer will always be made in accordance with the applicable provisions of data protection laws and regulations).

Your personal data will receive at least the protection afforded by EU law, regardless of the country where it is hosted. Please note that at the level of national law, many countries do not provide the same level of protection of personal data as you may enjoy in your home country. However, we promise that we will require anyone processing your personal data to implement measures to protect your personal data and that they will only be entitled to process it in accordance with our instructions.

Your rights and who to contact

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about how we handle your personal data, you can contact us and your request will be forwarded to the appropriate department.

You have the right to
- access to your personal data e.g. a copy of the personal data we hold about you
- objection e.g. correction, deletion, non-use, non-contact, etc.
- report any improper use of your personal data

To help us respond to the above, please provide us with all the necessary information.

Amendment to our Privacy Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time by posting the updated version of this Privacy Policy on We will reasonably notify you of any material changes. We recommend that you visit this website frequently so that you are always aware of how we use your personal data.