Individual Psychotherapy for Adults

Where one stands determines what one sees and what one does not see. It also determines the angle from which you see it. A change in where you stand changes everything.

Steve de Shazer

The main goal of individual psychotherapy is to cultivate a safe and trustworthy environment, which will contribute to the creation of the therapeutic alliance. A relationship through which therapist and client will work collaboratively to explore new ways of expressing and coping with difficulties.

Individual Psychotherapy for Adults - Angelos Papaloudis

What is individual psychotherapy

Individual psychotherapy is a process in which the psychologist/psychotherapist aims to create a therapeutic alliance based on mutual trust and honesty. Within a safe and supportive environment, an attempt is made (among other things) to identify and understand the psychic world of the person being treated.

What are the benefits of individual psychotherapy?

Through individual psychotherapy the individual is given the opportunity to:

Recognize dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors, giving them new meaning.
Improving social relations.
Better management of stress and emotional crises.
Management of non-functional patterns of behaviour.
Management of dysphoric emotions.
Identifying new ways of looking at problems and finding alternatives.

What is the frequency and duration of the sessions?

Each session lasts approximately 50 minutes. The determination of the frequency and duration of the sessions is mutually agreed upon and is reflected in the treatment plan that we formulate together.

Possibility of remote sessions.